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The attendance to the Leadership School in Performance Management in Healthcare Organisation will provide 45 CME credits.




15th - 19th September 2015

3rd - 5th December 2015

The leadership school provides a seven days residential learning                  environment in which participants will receive a comprehensive understanding of topics related to performance management in healthcare organisations.



The Leadeship School in Performance Management in Healthcare Organisation is hosted at the Department of Economics and Management Science, at the University of Pavia, Italy and at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge, UK.


3. HOW?

School organisation includes a more theoretical learning approach in the mornings and a team-based learning (case studies, laboratories, learning games) approach during the afternoon, in which participants will put into practice what they learnt from theory.


Furthermore, some visits to private and public hospitals will show performance management systems in place within Italian health care organisations.

Leadership School

Performance Management in Healthcare Organisations

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